Thursday, May 24, 2007

I'm now FAYSE!!

I'm now FAYSE!!

Thanks to Brenda, who "accidentally" spelled my name wrongly in the birthday wish card we dedicated to Victor on his past birthday! "FAYSE" is her creation! It was at McD Bangsar, i remember...hmmm...never mind, cut the crap!

FAYSE = FAYES...suppose to be pronounced the same way. I'm certain! Cause I've checked the actual pronunciation using the speech application I found on my computer! U should hv it too. I think it's located in the Control Panel>Speech (just to share)

Somehow, many (most of the people) pronounce it wrongly...previously it was FAYES. So from the type face, people start creating and apply their own pronunciation over the words. Some read [fe-yes], some [fa-yes],...worst version I've heard comes from McD delivery service operator...

"Hello McDonald's Delivery Service, I'm XXX. How may I assist u?"
"Hi, my number is 012-345xxxx!"
"Hold on please!...Mmmmm, is this Mr. [FA-IS]!"

I hate the way it sounds. But I'm too lazy to explain already...

Gosh, now my name sounds like a Malay one. Faiz? Fayiz?
Whatever it is, I don't like it. I'm not a racist! But I just don't like it!

Again, thanx to Brenda, I found a solution to this problem, this ever lasting headache of mine. Even my dad laughs at my name at times.

Now I think it is better spelled FAYSE then FAYES too. I started using this name since I was in university. For a fresh start after a long depression, i thought! I neglected a fact that FAYE WONG has a similar spelling in her name too. I just wanna make it special, at least something sounds like my chinese name naturally. But literally I became a follower! And not long after I decided to use the name FAYES, there born a chinese pop rock band in Taiwan named F.I.R where the lead singer's name is also FAYE...hai...I was the 2nd, but since I wasn't famous, I became a follower again when I made my name in ATQ2006. The world knows FAYE from F.I.R before me. So, I became copycat again!

Coincidentally, they were the judges for the event! Is this fated? But i like her...FAYE is a nice person! We sang on stage together during the finale, gosh! What a wonderful experience!?

Ok, again, I got misled! Cut the crap! Go back to the topic!

Yes, i wasn't kidding. I decided to change my english prefered name to FAYSE from today onwards. Who ever see this blog post, please update your phone book entry!

Thanks a zillion!


9 Shout-Cast(s)

Posted by Fayse at 11:54

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I'm just too young...


我鼓起勇气参加了我住的Condo的Residents Association的常年大会。希望可以从会议中获取一些与Condo有关的消息。不过,我的真正用意是要去投诉及去了解一些有关保安的事情。

会议厅里,人数不多,但全都是比我年长的Uncle 和 Aunty,Pakcik 和 Makcik;唯独我最年纪轻!一张张从未遇见的陌生脸孔,让我觉得有点尴尬。因为,也许在他们眼里,我根本不属于那地方。他们全都是以Owner身份出席的。先申明,我也是Owner喔!

好,会议在延迟后的半句钟开始了!一切照议程进行,不久后终于开始聊事情了。我就趁机提出了一些我不明白的保安问题,是有关visitor's car park的疑问。



为了这课题,我以Owner的身份提出来了。要的只是有人可以好好的让我理解事情的运作系统和保安人员面对的问题和守则是怎么样的就好了嘛! 我只是想问,又不是要吵架!

当中有位Encik Abdullah,就以一种莫名其妙的语调向我解释和作出反驳。感觉好像在教他的小孩一样,有他讲没有我讲。声量又比我大,我根本没什么反问的机会。如此一来,我干脆装懂好了。深深了解我的意见和想法根本不被重视,也许我真是太年轻to be a Owner. Whatever la!所以,我随即装懂及不停点头回应,口是心非地说着 "I see, Ok Ok...Alright...I'm fine with it...Ok Ok! Thanks a lot!"


他们syok sendiri的聊着聊着,终于到了要改选理事会的议程了。很多人都提名那些讲话很犀利的人当要职,Encik Abdullah 和 Mr. Desmond是其中人选。因为大家希望凭着他们的势力可以帮residents向management office争取更多的福利。 我也希望可以work things out...

上一届的主席就坐在我对面。正当大伙儿敷衍式的提名着他们心中的人选时,他却问我是否有兴趣加入理事会。我冷笑了一下,然后再很有礼貌的回应他,"No thanks! I'm just too young! Haha!"




哎,no next time了!大人的游戏,你们自己好好玩吧!我很忙!:-)

p/s: Encik Abdullah 和 Mr. Desmond 分别被选上当主席和秘书。乍到!Best of luck to Mentari Condo!


0 Shout-Cast(s)

Posted by Fayse at 11:43

Monday, May 14, 2007










Are you up to it? 你们准备好了吗?


3 Shout-Cast(s)

Posted by Fayse at 11:46